Horny Dans revenge

Teen blondie widen her legs wide,
Dan awoke the next morning as Connie walked into his room.
“I’m sticky!” she said grumpily.
“Oh no baby girl” Dan sympathized, “It was very hot last night, maybe you just got sweaty” he said.
“Doesn’t smell like sweat” Connie said comically sniffing her armpit, Dan smiled, then she dipped her finger into the stickiness and put it in her mouth, tasting, Dan’s cock twitched as he watched his 10-year-old stepsister eat some of his cum.
“Hmm” she considered the taste, “it is salty though so maybe” she said.
Dan wanted to play with her so bad now. He had an idea, “Come on baby girl” he said throwing the cover back and getting out of bed, “Let’s give you a shower” he took the little girls hand and led her to the bathroom. His nakedness didn’t bother her because Dan and his 3 sisters had grown up together and had therefore seen each other naked countless times.
They go into the bathroom and Dan lifts Connie into the bath, they don’t have a shower as such, but a hose from each tap ending in a shower head, its good enough. He turns on the water and makes sure its at a nice temperature. He is so aware of the naked 10-year-old nearby, he can feel his dick twitching.
“Ok, lets get you clean” he says and starts to spray her with water. He wets her hair and she closes her eyes tight, “I’ll wash you sweetie, that way we make sure to get rid of all this stuff”
“OK, Thanks” she smiles, Dan squirts some soap onto his hand from the dispenser on the edge of the tub, he smears it all over Connie’s flat chest and stomach, watching it run down between her legs. “That feels nice” the girl says, Dan thinks so too!
Dan stands and washes the girls hair, she still has her eyes closed and his semi hard cock is waving around in front of her, he tells her to turn around and washes her back, then her cute little butt, he does this with one hand while gently masturbating his cock with the other. He spends a lot of time on her butt, sometimes “accidently” sliding his fingers into her but crack and touching her tiny ass hole. A squeaky little “Ooh!” noise escapes her lips when he does this, that’s a surprise, he thinks, Is she enjoying this?
He turns her again and rinses off all the soap, again using his free hand to openly grope the girls tiny body. She wipes water from her face and opens her eyes, Dan is kneeling again so she can’t see that he has an erection.
“I’m clean now!” says the girl happily,
“Yes you are sweetie!” Dan replies, lets just get this little bit of soap at the top of your legs.
He shoots water at her pussy and runs his hand up and down her inner thighs, occasionally making sure his hand goes up far enough to brush against her pussy. Again there are cute little noises. He turns off the water and grabs a towel, it’s a bit threadbare but, when you don’t have a lot of money you make things last.
Dan lifts the child out of the bath and starts to dry her, again letting his hand slip occasionally to grope her ass or slip between her legs. Finally she is dry.
“There!” he says, “One clean and beautiful girl” he says, holding her face and kissing her on the lips, Connie giggles. The door to the bathroom opens and Polly comes in.
“What are you guys up to?” she yawns, “Dan was helping me shower because I was Icky” Says Connie, “Oh, OK” Polly says, she pops up the toilet seat and sits down, almost immediately she begins to pee. Dan watches, he has dropped the towel to the floor now and is openly groping Connie’s ass and fingering her little pink butt hole. She doesn’t seem to mind.
“May is upset” Polly announces as she wipes her pussy with tissue, “Why?” asks Dan, “She won’t say” she replies. “Go bring her in here” says Dan, Polly goes off to the bedroom. He looks at Connie,
“You look so good I could eat you” he says and starts to pretend to bite her, but is actually kissing and licking her, she squeals and wriggles against his naked body, which is just what he wanted, he does it seemingly at random but makes sure that some of the random kisses land on her nipples he can suck them.
Polly returns, followed by a grumpy looking May, “What’s wrong sweetie?” Dan asks, “Can’t say” the 11-year-old replies, “it’s embarrassing” she adds. “Listen sweetie,” says Dan, releasing Connie and pulling May to him, “We’re all family here, I’m the oldest so I’m like your parent now. So you can tell us” he said reassuringly.
“OK,” says May, slightly less pouty, “My…erm…my peepee tingles”
“Oh,” Dan suddenly remembering last night when he finger fucked May’s little cunt whilst wanking on her sister, “you mean it hurts” the girl shakes her head, “No, it tingles, it’s not a bad feeling but I can’t make it stop and it’s been like this for ages now”
“Oh!” says Polly suddenly, “I know what it is, you need to rub it” Dan’s eyes widen and he looks at Polly. The girl looks down and says quietly, “Sometimes my Peepee tingles so I rub it, it makes it feel better and the tingle goes away”
Dan is surprised, has Polly, his 12-year-old sister just admitted that she masturbates. “Show me how!” May says, “I want it to feel good too, not all hot and frustrating”
These girls are just full of surprises today, thinks Dan. Because now I think May is telling us that she’s horny!
“Oh, it’s very easy to do” replies Polly sitting back on the toilet and opening her legs, “you just…”
“Hold on a minute” says Dan, trying not to stare a Polly’s bare cunt only a foot or so from his face, “there’s two things we need to do here. One, we need to get the words right. You girls are growing up now and you can’t carry on saying Peepee and tingle”
“What are the right words?” asks Polly
“OK” Dan gets hold of Connie, turns her to face her sisters and starts to point at part of her body, “This is your pussy” he carries on, “this here, he pulls Connie’s Pussy lips apart and points at the little bump at the top. Connie goes “Oh” “This, is your clit” Dan says, picking her up by the legs he flips her backwards and fingers the outside of her asshole again, “and this is your ass hole” he puts Connie down again but continues to hold her close to his body.
Polly points down into his lap, “what do you call that then?” she asks, “and why is it getting stiffer?”
Dan looks down “that’s my cock” he explains, “and when a man is near girls that he loves a lot then it can get hard, like this” Connie looks at it “can I touch it?” she asks. “Of course baby girl” says Dan. The little girl reaches down and places her hot hand on the end of his cock. She pulls it away again “It’s very hard” she says, “That’s because I really love you guys” Dan says. The girls all smile, Connie hugs him, as much as she can. He envelopes her in his arms and lifts her up, he can feel her skinny legs against his dick. “We love you a lot too Dan” she says.
“What’s the second thing?” asks Polly. Dan stands, taking Connie up with him, his hand reaches under her butt. “If we are going to talk about this, we should do it in front of dad, Then he can see how grown up his girls are getting and that might help him get better”
“Yes, lets do it” say the girls, although Dan notices Polly isn’t as enthusiastic. Anyway, the four troop downstairs and sit on the bed containing their comatose father, Peter. Dan speaks, “Hey dad, thought you’d like to see how your girls are growing up. Polly, you were saying?”
“OK when you feel…” she stopped and looked at Dan, “Horny” he says, “Horny” Polly repeats. “You can sometimes get rid of the feeling by rubbing your pussy, like this.” She slides a finger up and down, May copies her.
“Which finger?” asks Connie, “It doesn’t matter” Dan is holding her on his lap, his cock is getting hard again, “Here, I’ll show you” he says, he puts his own finger on her pussy and starts to rub it, “hee-hee! It tickles” says Connie.
Polly is rubbing harder now, May copies her. Dan is thinking to himself, “Watch this you fuckup!” as he steals a look at his dad, “your daughters are masturbating for me”
“If your pussy starts to get wet you can put your finger in and…” she looks at Dan, “Finger fuck yourself” he says. Polly nods, “Finger fuck yourself” both girls repeat, Connie turns her head to look up at him, “Finger fuck” she says tapping the back of his hand, Dan checks, the little girls pussy is kind of wet so he pushes the tip of his index finger in. “Oh!” says Connie, “That feels funny, but nice!”
Dan watches as the two girls finger themselves, “and then eventually” Polly gasps, “Your pussy feels really good and Ooooh! Yeah!” her hips jerk forward and Dan realises that he’s just watched his kid sister orgasm. “That’s called an Orgasm,” he tells them, “Or Cumming, you should say when you are cumming” he added. Polly continues to fuck herself, “Oh, in that case” she pants, “I’m cumming” her hips jerk again. May is trying hard but can’t get there, “why wont it work” she says, tears are starting to form in her eyes “I want to cum too”
Dan puts Connie on the bed and reaches for May, he thinks he knows what’s wrong. “Your fingers aren’t far enough in” he says, “here, let me” he looks into his dads face for any reaction as he pushes two of his fingers into Mays pussy “Oh!” the girl cries out, “Ow! Ow! That hurts”
“Try to relax” Polly explains again to Dan’s surprise. Dan pulls his fingers out, puts them in his mouth, fuck that pussy tastes good, and coats them in spit, then he slowly puts them back into May’s pussy “Oh yeah! that’s better” she sighs. Dan’s cock is rock hard now, and Polly notices, he is amazed yet again when the 12-year-old grabs hold of it and starts to wank it, she lowers her head and puts the end in her mouth.
“How the fuck do you know this?” Dan thinks. May is really writhing on his fingers now but still can’t cum, her face is red and tearful with frustration. Dan decides there is only one thing to do. He pulls his wet dick out of Polly’s mouth, uses his fingers to open May pussy a little and then starts to slide his dick into May.
“Ow! No! Stop!” the little girl cries, “Please! Stop! Oooow!”
“It’s ok” Soothes her sister, “It’ll hurt at first but then start to feel good”
“What the fuck!” thinks Dan, he doesn’t care if it hurts now, he is in there and wants to fuck her, so he will. Polly kisses her sister on the mouth and her noises subside a little. Dan continues to fuck the girl, eventually she stops struggling and pulls away from Polly’s kiss “Oh! Oh! Yes!” she yells, “I think… I’m Cumming! Oh yes!” Dan feels heat and wetness on his cock, he has just given his little sister her first orgasms.
Polly seems to be masturbating again and looks straight at Dan as she says, “Oh, yes, I’m cumming!” Dan makes one large thrust causing his sister to scream again, his cock explodes and he shoots loads of spunk into her cunt, “Fucking yes! Fucking cumming!” he yells.
He falls back onto the floor on his knees, his cock is covered in his own cum, May’s juices and a little blood. Polly and May are laying back on the bed, breathing heavily. Dan turns to look at Connie. He eyes are wide and her mouth is a circle of surprise.
“You OK baby girl?” Dan asks, “Yes” she says, “When is it my turn?”
Both Polly and Dan look at her, May is still on her back.
“Erm..Sorry baby girl” Dan begins, “but it’s gonna be a while before I can get hard again” Connie’s face goes red and her bottom lip wobbles. Yet again, Polly steps up. “I know what we can do that no one has shown you yet” she says, “What?” The 10-year-old looks expectantly at here sister.
“Yeah what?” thinks Dan
The small blonde girl moves along the bed, she takes hold of her smaller sisters legs and pulled her forwards, “Lie down” she instructs her, Connie lays back on the bed and, to Dan’s astonishment, Polly pulls Connie’s legs apart and puts her face between them. Her little pink tongue darts out and she started to lick Connie’s pussy.
“Oooh! I like that’s” Connie sighed, Dan moves closer to look, he whispered into Polly’s ear, “pull her lips apart a little so you can go deeper with your tongue” Polly follows the instructions and soon Connie’s grey eyes were closed and she was moaning quietly. Dan moved up and started to lick her tiny nipples, “Ooh! Yes!” said Connie, louder. Polly licked away at her sisters cunt, Dan played with her nipples until he felt her body stiffen slightly, he put his mouth next to her head and whispered “Don’t forget to tell us when you cum”
“Oh fuck! Connie yelled, “Now! I’m Fucking cumming Noooowww!!” Dan smiled; it seemed the youngest sister had the potty mouth!
They rested for a short while and then Dan suggested that the girls go upstairs and freshen up, while he would wash in the kitchen and then start dinner. “Who wants burgers on buns, with relish!” “We do” the girls shouted, their naked bodies jumping around, “Plus, I think somewhere in the freezer is some vanilla ice cream” “Yay!” they said, kids again, they ran up the stairs to wash.
Dan put his nose up to his fathers, “I just fucked May, he leered, and why does Polly know so much that she can make Connie cum with her mouth. But get used to this“ He laughed “Its gonna happen a lot!”
The four had dinner, then the girls wanted to watch TV, Dan lay on the sofa naked with the three girls, sometimes his cock was hard, sometimes soft. May seemed to be fine, although he’s sure her pussy must’ve been sore, but whatever! Then, It was bedtime.
“OK, girls” Dan announced, “Time for bed”
“Aw!” Said Connie yawning widely, “I’m not tired”
“I think you are” Dan told her, “I am” May said. The girls got up from the sofa and headed for the stairs. “Polly, just wait a moment I need to talk to you” said Dan. The other girls stopped too, “Not you” Dan said “Go!” They ran up the stairs.
“Sit here” Dan patted the sofa cushion next to him, Polly sat down, “I know why you want to talk to me” she said. “OK” said Dan, “If you know, tell me what the answer is”
Polly pointed at the figure on the bed, “Him” she said “He taught me all about sex” Dan’s eyes widened, “He started coming into our bedroom almost a year ago, when I was only 11” she went on, “About six months before the accident when mom started taking those tablets to help her sleep” she sighed, Dan put his arm around her, “He was always drunk, at first he would just lick my pussy and wank off on me, then I would have to clean myself because he would go back to bed and pass out” the two of them lay back on the sofa as Polly told her story, “Then he started to stick his fingers in me and put his cock in my mouth, he would cum in my mouth too, at least then I didn’t have to clean up.”
“Then, one night I had done something earlier in the day that he didn’t like and he fucked me for the first time. It really hurt that time but I think he wanted it to, as a punishment. After that he fucked me every time. Sometimes he came in my pussy, sometimes he pulled it out and came in my face and mouth”
“Just before the accident, mom started to take more pills so she was really asleep. So for the last week he took me into their room and lifted moms nightie. He would make me eat her pussy while he fucked me from behind, a couple of times he fucked my ass too, that also hurt the first time.”
“I’m so sorry sweetie” Dan said, “that must’ve been awful for you”
Polly actually laughed, “That’s the thing,” she said looking up at him with big blue eyes, “the really bad thing. I liked it” Dan was yet again stunned, “After the first couple of times, I started to like it, the attention, you know? The contact? I would lie in bed waiting for him to arrive, playing with myself, wet, wanting it!” she looked down, opened her legs and slid a hand down to rub herself then she looked up at Dan again, “Like I want it now” she kissed him, he realised his cock was hard again, he picked her up and carried her over to the bed and lay her down.
“Please Dan!” she begged, “fuck me, give it to me, I want it” Dan spat on his hand, rubbed it on the end of his cock and slid into Polly’s 12-year-old pussy. “Oh yes!” she said as he started to fuck her.
She was still tight but not like May, this cunt had been used, he was following in his fathers tracks, The bastard!” Dan started to thrust harder as he got angry, he hammered the little girls pussy, held her hips and rammed his dick into her, it must’ve hurt but she hardly made a sound. When she did finally speak, she just said, “Oh yes Dan, I’m cumming!” and suddenly Dan was too, he exploded into her tiny cunt, filling it with spunk, “Fuck yes!” He sighed he fell to his knees on the floor again. Polly got up, kissed his cheek and said “Goodnight” she disappeared upstairs.
Dan got off the floor and looked at his stepdad. “I gonna turn all of those girls into cum slut, fuck toys” he snarled, “and I’ll make sure you see it all you bastard!” he turned and went up the stairs to plan for tomorrow.
THE END (Probably more coming soon)
Dan awoke the next morning as Connie walked into his room.
“I’m sticky!” she said grumpily.
“Oh no baby girl” Dan sympathized, “It was very hot last night, maybe you just got sweaty” he said.
“Doesn’t smell like sweat” Connie said comically sniffing her armpit, Dan smiled, then she dipped her finger into the stickiness and put it in her mouth, tasting, Dan’s cock twitched as he watched his 10-year-old stepsister eat some of his cum.
“Hmm” she considered the taste, “it is salty though so maybe” she said.
Dan wanted to play with her so bad now. He had an idea, “Come on baby girl” he said throwing the cover back and getting out of bed, “Let’s give you a shower” he took the little girls hand and led her to the bathroom. His nakedness didn’t bother her because Dan and his 3 sisters had grown up together and had therefore seen each other naked countless times.
They go into the bathroom and Dan lifts Connie into the bath, they don’t have a shower as such, but a hose from each tap ending in a shower head, its good enough. He turns on the water and makes sure its at a nice temperature. He is so aware of the naked 10-year-old nearby, he can feel his dick twitching.
“Ok, lets get you clean” he says and starts to spray her with water. He wets her hair and she closes her eyes tight, “I’ll wash you sweetie, that way we make sure to get rid of all this stuff”
“OK, Thanks” she smiles, Dan squirts some soap onto his hand from the dispenser on the edge of the tub, he smears it all over Connie’s flat chest and stomach, watching it run down between her legs. “That feels nice” the girl says, Dan thinks so too!
Dan stands and washes the girls hair, she still has her eyes closed and his semi hard cock is waving around in front of her, he tells her to turn around and washes her back, then her cute little butt, he does this with one hand while gently masturbating his cock with the other. He spends a lot of time on her butt, sometimes “accidently” sliding his fingers into her but crack and touching her tiny ass hole. A squeaky little “Ooh!” noise escapes her lips when he does this, that’s a surprise, he thinks, Is she enjoying this?
He turns her again and rinses off all the soap, again using his free hand to openly grope the girls tiny body. She wipes water from her face and opens her eyes, Dan is kneeling again so she can’t see that he has an erection.
“I’m clean now!” says the girl happily,
“Yes you are sweetie!” Dan replies, lets just get this little bit of soap at the top of your legs.
He shoots water at her pussy and runs his hand up and down her inner thighs, occasionally making sure his hand goes up far enough to brush against her pussy. Again there are cute little noises. He turns off the water and grabs a towel, it’s a bit threadbare but, when you don’t have a lot of money you make things last.
Dan lifts the child out of the bath and starts to dry her, again letting his hand slip occasionally to grope her ass or slip between her legs. Finally she is dry.
“There!” he says, “One clean and beautiful girl” he says, holding her face and kissing her on the lips, Connie giggles. The door to the bathroom opens and Polly comes in.
“What are you guys up to?” she yawns, “Dan was helping me shower because I was Icky” Says Connie, “Oh, OK” Polly says, she pops up the toilet seat and sits down, almost immediately she begins to pee. Dan watches, he has dropped the towel to the floor now and is openly groping Connie’s ass and fingering her little pink butt hole. She doesn’t seem to mind.
“May is upset” Polly announces as she wipes her pussy with tissue, “Why?” asks Dan, “She won’t say” she replies. “Go bring her in here” says Dan, Polly goes off to the bedroom. He looks at Connie,
“You look so good I could eat you” he says and starts to pretend to bite her, but is actually kissing and licking her, she squeals and wriggles against his naked body, which is just what he wanted, he does it seemingly at random but makes sure that some of the random kisses land on her nipples he can suck them.
Polly returns, followed by a grumpy looking May, “What’s wrong sweetie?” Dan asks, “Can’t say” the 11-year-old replies, “it’s embarrassing” she adds. “Listen sweetie,” says Dan, releasing Connie and pulling May to him, “We’re all family here, I’m the oldest so I’m like your parent now. So you can tell us” he said reassuringly.
“OK,” says May, slightly less pouty, “My…erm…my peepee tingles”
“Oh,” Dan suddenly remembering last night when he finger fucked May’s little cunt whilst wanking on her sister, “you mean it hurts” the girl shakes her head, “No, it tingles, it’s not a bad feeling but I can’t make it stop and it’s been like this for ages now”
“Oh!” says Polly suddenly, “I know what it is, you need to rub it” Dan’s eyes widen and he looks at Polly. The girl looks down and says quietly, “Sometimes my Peepee tingles so I rub it, it makes it feel better and the tingle goes away”
Dan is surprised, has Polly, his 12-year-old sister just admitted that she masturbates. “Show me how!” May says, “I want it to feel good too, not all hot and frustrating”
These girls are just full of surprises today, thinks Dan. Because now I think May is telling us that she’s horny!
“Oh, it’s very easy to do” replies Polly sitting back on the toilet and opening her legs, “you just…”
“Hold on a minute” says Dan, trying not to stare a Polly’s bare cunt only a foot or so from his face, “there’s two things we need to do here. One, we need to get the words right. You girls are growing up now and you can’t carry on saying Peepee and tingle”
“What are the right words?” asks Polly
“OK” Dan gets hold of Connie, turns her to face her sisters and starts to point at part of her body, “This is your pussy” he carries on, “this here, he pulls Connie’s Pussy lips apart and points at the little bump at the top. Connie goes “Oh” “This, is your clit” Dan says, picking her up by the legs he flips her backwards and fingers the outside of her asshole again, “and this is your ass hole” he puts Connie down again but continues to hold her close to his body.
Polly points down into his lap, “what do you call that then?” she asks, “and why is it getting stiffer?”
Dan looks down “that’s my cock” he explains, “and when a man is near girls that he loves a lot then it can get hard, like this” Connie looks at it “can I touch it?” she asks. “Of course baby girl” says Dan. The little girl reaches down and places her hot hand on the end of his cock. She pulls it away again “It’s very hard” she says, “That’s because I really love you guys” Dan says. The girls all smile, Connie hugs him, as much as she can. He envelopes her in his arms and lifts her up, he can feel her skinny legs against his dick. “We love you a lot too Dan” she says.
“What’s the second thing?” asks Polly. Dan stands, taking Connie up with him, his hand reaches under her butt. “If we are going to talk about this, we should do it in front of dad, Then he can see how grown up his girls are getting and that might help him get better”
“Yes, lets do it” say the girls, although Dan notices Polly isn’t as enthusiastic. Anyway, the four troop downstairs and sit on the bed containing their comatose father, Peter. Dan speaks, “Hey dad, thought you’d like to see how your girls are growing up. Polly, you were saying?”
“OK when you feel…” she stopped and looked at Dan, “Horny” he says, “Horny” Polly repeats. “You can sometimes get rid of the feeling by rubbing your pussy, like this.” She slides a finger up and down, May copies her.
“Which finger?” asks Connie, “It doesn’t matter” Dan is holding her on his lap, his cock is getting hard again, “Here, I’ll show you” he says, he puts his own finger on her pussy and starts to rub it, “hee-hee! It tickles” says Connie.
Polly is rubbing harder now, May copies her. Dan is thinking to himself, “Watch this you fuckup!” as he steals a look at his dad, “your daughters are masturbating for me”
“If your pussy starts to get wet you can put your finger in and…” she looks at Dan, “Finger fuck yourself” he says. Polly nods, “Finger fuck yourself” both girls repeat, Connie turns her head to look up at him, “Finger fuck” she says tapping the back of his hand, Dan checks, the little girls pussy is kind of wet so he pushes the tip of his index finger in. “Oh!” says Connie, “That feels funny, but nice!”
Dan watches as the two girls finger themselves, “and then eventually” Polly gasps, “Your pussy feels really good and Ooooh! Yeah!” her hips jerk forward and Dan realises that he’s just watched his kid sister orgasm. “That’s called an Orgasm,” he tells them, “Or Cumming, you should say when you are cumming” he added. Polly continues to fuck herself, “Oh, in that case” she pants, “I’m cumming” her hips jerk again. May is trying hard but can’t get there, “why wont it work” she says, tears are starting to form in her eyes “I want to cum too”
Dan puts Connie on the bed and reaches for May, he thinks he knows what’s wrong. “Your fingers aren’t far enough in” he says, “here, let me” he looks into his dads face for any reaction as he pushes two of his fingers into Mays pussy “Oh!” the girl cries out, “Ow! Ow! That hurts”
“Try to relax” Polly explains again to Dan’s surprise. Dan pulls his fingers out, puts them in his mouth, fuck that pussy tastes good, and coats them in spit, then he slowly puts them back into May’s pussy “Oh yeah! that’s better” she sighs. Dan’s cock is rock hard now, and Polly notices, he is amazed yet again when the 12-year-old grabs hold of it and starts to wank it, she lowers her head and puts the end in her mouth.
“How the fuck do you know this?” Dan thinks. May is really writhing on his fingers now but still can’t cum, her face is red and tearful with frustration. Dan decides there is only one thing to do. He pulls his wet dick out of Polly’s mouth, uses his fingers to open May pussy a little and then starts to slide his dick into May.
“Ow! No! Stop!” the little girl cries, “Please! Stop! Oooow!”
“It’s ok” Soothes her sister, “It’ll hurt at first but then start to feel good”
“What the fuck!” thinks Dan, he doesn’t care if it hurts now, he is in there and wants to fuck her, so he will. Polly kisses her sister on the mouth and her noises subside a little. Dan continues to fuck the girl, eventually she stops struggling and pulls away from Polly’s kiss “Oh! Oh! Yes!” she yells, “I think… I’m Cumming! Oh yes!” Dan feels heat and wetness on his cock, he has just given his little sister her first orgasms.
Polly seems to be masturbating again and looks straight at Dan as she says, “Oh, yes, I’m cumming!” Dan makes one large thrust causing his sister to scream again, his cock explodes and he shoots loads of spunk into her cunt, “Fucking yes! Fucking cumming!” he yells.
He falls back onto the floor on his knees, his cock is covered in his own cum, May’s juices and a little blood. Polly and May are laying back on the bed, breathing heavily. Dan turns to look at Connie. He eyes are wide and her mouth is a circle of surprise.
“You OK baby girl?” Dan asks, “Yes” she says, “When is it my turn?”
Both Polly and Dan look at her, May is still on her back.
“Erm..Sorry baby girl” Dan begins, “but it’s gonna be a while before I can get hard again” Connie’s face goes red and her bottom lip wobbles. Yet again, Polly steps up. “I know what we can do that no one has shown you yet” she says, “What?” The 10-year-old looks expectantly at here sister.
“Yeah what?” thinks Dan
The small blonde girl moves along the bed, she takes hold of her smaller sisters legs and pulled her forwards, “Lie down” she instructs her, Connie lays back on the bed and, to Dan’s astonishment, Polly pulls Connie’s legs apart and puts her face between them. Her little pink tongue darts out and she started to lick Connie’s pussy.
“Oooh! I like that’s” Connie sighed, Dan moves closer to look, he whispered into Polly’s ear, “pull her lips apart a little so you can go deeper with your tongue” Polly follows the instructions and soon Connie’s grey eyes were closed and she was moaning quietly. Dan moved up and started to lick her tiny nipples, “Ooh! Yes!” said Connie, louder. Polly licked away at her sisters cunt, Dan played with her nipples until he felt her body stiffen slightly, he put his mouth next to her head and whispered “Don’t forget to tell us when you cum”
“Oh fuck! Connie yelled, “Now! I’m Fucking cumming Noooowww!!” Dan smiled; it seemed the youngest sister had the potty mouth!
They rested for a short while and then Dan suggested that the girls go upstairs and freshen up, while he would wash in the kitchen and then start dinner. “Who wants burgers on buns, with relish!” “We do” the girls shouted, their naked bodies jumping around, “Plus, I think somewhere in the freezer is some vanilla ice cream” “Yay!” they said, kids again, they ran up the stairs to wash.
Dan put his nose up to his fathers, “I just fucked May, he leered, and why does Polly know so much that she can make Connie cum with her mouth. But get used to this“ He laughed “Its gonna happen a lot!”
The four had dinner, then the girls wanted to watch TV, Dan lay on the sofa naked with the three girls, sometimes his cock was hard, sometimes soft. May seemed to be fine, although he’s sure her pussy must’ve been sore, but whatever! Then, It was bedtime.
“OK, girls” Dan announced, “Time for bed”
“Aw!” Said Connie yawning widely, “I’m not tired”
“I think you are” Dan told her, “I am” May said. The girls got up from the sofa and headed for the stairs. “Polly, just wait a moment I need to talk to you” said Dan. The other girls stopped too, “Not you” Dan said “Go!” They ran up the stairs.
“Sit here” Dan patted the sofa cushion next to him, Polly sat down, “I know why you want to talk to me” she said. “OK” said Dan, “If you know, tell me what the answer is”
Polly pointed at the figure on the bed, “Him” she said “He taught me all about sex” Dan’s eyes widened, “He started coming into our bedroom almost a year ago, when I was only 11” she went on, “About six months before the accident when mom started taking those tablets to help her sleep” she sighed, Dan put his arm around her, “He was always drunk, at first he would just lick my pussy and wank off on me, then I would have to clean myself because he would go back to bed and pass out” the two of them lay back on the sofa as Polly told her story, “Then he started to stick his fingers in me and put his cock in my mouth, he would cum in my mouth too, at least then I didn’t have to clean up.”
“Then, one night I had done something earlier in the day that he didn’t like and he fucked me for the first time. It really hurt that time but I think he wanted it to, as a punishment. After that he fucked me every time. Sometimes he came in my pussy, sometimes he pulled it out and came in my face and mouth”
“Just before the accident, mom started to take more pills so she was really asleep. So for the last week he took me into their room and lifted moms nightie. He would make me eat her pussy while he fucked me from behind, a couple of times he fucked my ass too, that also hurt the first time.”
“I’m so sorry sweetie” Dan said, “that must’ve been awful for you”
Polly actually laughed, “That’s the thing,” she said looking up at him with big blue eyes, “the really bad thing. I liked it” Dan was yet again stunned, “After the first couple of times, I started to like it, the attention, you know? The contact? I would lie in bed waiting for him to arrive, playing with myself, wet, wanting it!” she looked down, opened her legs and slid a hand down to rub herself then she looked up at Dan again, “Like I want it now” she kissed him, he realised his cock was hard again, he picked her up and carried her over to the bed and lay her down.
“Please Dan!” she begged, “fuck me, give it to me, I want it” Dan spat on his hand, rubbed it on the end of his cock and slid into Polly’s 12-year-old pussy. “Oh yes!” she said as he started to fuck her.
She was still tight but not like May, this cunt had been used, he was following in his fathers tracks, The bastard!” Dan started to thrust harder as he got angry, he hammered the little girls pussy, held her hips and rammed his dick into her, it must’ve hurt but she hardly made a sound. When she did finally speak, she just said, “Oh yes Dan, I’m cumming!” and suddenly Dan was too, he exploded into her tiny cunt, filling it with spunk, “Fuck yes!” He sighed he fell to his knees on the floor again. Polly got up, kissed his cheek and said “Goodnight” she disappeared upstairs.
Dan got off the floor and looked at his stepdad. “I gonna turn all of those girls into cum slut, fuck toys” he snarled, “and I’ll make sure you see it all you bastard!” he turned and went up the stairs to plan for tomorrow.
THE END (Probably more coming soon)